Your Wellbeing

We have, a range of support to help promote our students wellbeing and give additional help to students that might be facing personal challenges.

At the heart of our pastoral work lies our commitment to high quality PSHE (personal, social, health education). Like most schools, this is delivered through tutor time sessions, visiting speakers and assemblies. However, while most schools have cut timetabled PSHE lessons from their curriculum, we continue to provide these to every student in every year group, planned and delivered by PSHE specialists in our RPS programme. More than ever before, students need an education in how to manage their lives, now and in the future by staying healthy and safe, whilst preparing themselves for life and work in modern Britain. 

These lessons are underpinned by our tutor time programme that re-visits many aspect of the RPS curriculum.

We also hold weekly assemblies for all years that cover important topics such as diversity, prejudice, self-care and important commemorations.


Every year group is led by a pastoral leader. Each of them has considerable experience and specialist training in supporting young people and their families. They lead our team of tutors who oversee students’ personal development, as well as our team of pastoral assistants. These are non-teaching members of staff which means that students and parents have quicker access to pastoral care.

Student Services is open to all students before and between lessons.

Here students can ask for information about timetables and classroom changes. It is also where we ask students to register any late arrivals.

We have a full time Welfare cover from trained Fist Aiders.

The Welfare team also help students to store and administer any medicine they require as part of an agreed health plan.  

For more information about how we support students with medical conditions and first aid,  please refer to the related policy on the Policies page.

In addition, students can be referred to additional, specialist staff within school for more serious or persistent needs. These include an ELSA (emotional literacy support assistant) and a behaviour support specialist who both offer one-to-one and group support; It might be our in-school careers advisor; and where appropriate, the Learning Support (SEND) or safeguarding teams.  
We recognise, however, that sometimes students have needs and difficulties in their lives which require a level of specialist support which can only be found beyond college. We’ve developed strong partnerships with outside agencies and we draw on their expertise when our students need it. 

Students also benefit from the advice and guidance given by other students. We encourage students to talk to each other when they are experiencing similar difficulties or challenges in their lives. We have support groups for our LGBT students, for our young carers and for those suffering bereavements. 

Grow in courage and conscience
In the never-ending shade, there is always light. If only we are brave enough to see it. If only we are brave enough to be it.
Amanda Gorman