Pupil Premium

What is the pupil premium? Is my child eligible?

Please refer to Pupil premium: overview - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk) which gives details of whether pupil's are eligible.

How to claim your child’s pupil premium

If you are unsure please contact your child’s Pastoral Assistant at the College who will be able to tell you what you need to do to register your child as eligible.

You can also check your child's eligibility for Free School Meals by clicking here.


How is it spent?

Schools can choose how to spend their pupil premium money, as they are best placed to identify what would be of most benefit to the children who are eligible.

Some examples of how Wyvern spends their pupil premium fund include:

  • Extra one-to-one or small-group support for children within the classroom.

  • Employing extra Teaching Assistants to work with classes

  • Running catch-up sessions after school, for example for children who need extra help with numeracy or literacy.

  • Providing extra tuition and Saturday revision classes for students who receive the pupil premium, for example in preparation for GCSE’s.

  • Providing music lessons for children whose families would be unable to pay for them and currently receive free school meals.

  • Help towards funding of educational trips and visits. (This does not include residential enrichment trips).

  • Employing a Family Support Worker to engage with families within the community and sign-post to other agencies who can offer support.

  • Investing in resources that boost children’s learning, such as stationery and revision guides

  • Specific pupil premium student enrichment days and activities.

Often, all of the children in a class will reap some benefit from how the school spends its pupil premium: for example, if the money is used to fund an additional Teaching Assistant who works across the whole class, rather than providing one-to-one support. But research shows that the fund does help to narrow the gap between disadvantaged children and their peers, particularly in English and Maths.

Can you influence how the pupil premium is used?

There is no obligation for your school to consult you about how they use the money they claim for your child, although at Wyvern we have parent governors who oversee how the money is spent. However, schools do have to show that they are using their pupil premium fund appropriately. This is measured through Ofsted inspections and annual performance tables showing the progress made by children who are eligible for pupil premium.


Please click on the links below to view a more detailed breakdown of our pupil premium spending.

Current Pupil Premium Strategy

Pupil Premium Strategy 2024-2025 

Previous Pupil Premium Strategy

Pupil Premium Strategy 2023-2024 

The Deputy Headteacher in charge of the College's pupil premium strategy reviews this annually and reports directly to governors, the Headteacher and other members of the College's senior leadership team.

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Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we've been waiting for.
Barack Obama