Extra Curricular

So that we can enrich students’ experience at Wyvern, the college offers an impressive range of after school, lunchtime and holiday activities. The PE department coaches football, rugby, tennis, netball, basketball, badminton and, in the summer, athletics. The Rock Challenge dance competition and annual college drama productions are enormously popular and successful. While the Music Department has a dazzling array of bands, groups and choirs that meet regularly for rehearsal and performance.

Trips and visits are a continual part of learning at Wyvern: some of these trips take students as far away as the World War 1 battlefields, France and Germany, while in recent years students have travelled to the USA and Switzerland. The annual ski-trip to Austria is always an enormous success.

Many subjects extend learning by offering additional opportunities; for English there is a writers’ group and also the chance for students to write and edit their own newspaper for a day. Science Communicators have been looking at how to make Wyvern greener. Maths take part in an annual project with one of our sponsor companies.

In the Easter holidays, Year 11 students are invited to attend a revision camp run by teachers. These are enormously popular and receive positive feedback from students as they are helped to prepare for GCSE exams.