thisTerm@Wyvern Summer 2024


Hello and welcome to the Summer 2024 edition of thisTerm@Wyvern.

It has been an incredibly busy term with lots of trips and special events throughout the college. We hope you enjoy reading about them all.


A Prize-winning Photo

Thursday 18th March saw the annual Ringwood Rotary Photography Competition hosted by Ringwood School with The Royal Photography Society and Arts University Bournemouth handing out awards and prizes. The theme this year was Atmosphere, and Year 9 Daisy was shortlisted for her stunning photo of Stonehenge.

Daisy won runner-up/second place in her category Y7-Y10. This was a great success as it was Wyvern's first year being involved in an ever-growing and celebrated photography competition. There were 1150 entries this year from over 25 schools across Hampshire, Dorset and Wiltshire. Daisy was there to accept her prize and certificate along with her mother. A great success for Daisy and Wyvern College. The exhibition was shown on ITV news that evening between 5pm and 6pm.

History Club Award

On Thursday 6th June the Wyvern History Club were invited to the Fountains Community Cafe to receive and celebrate their winning first place in the Hampshire Archives Trust Schools' History Award. The ceremony coincided with the opening of the Fair Oak and Horton Heath Parish Council D-Day Exhibition.


For the full story click here for the Latest News article on our website.

Wyvern Students Shine at Laser Tag Rewards Day!

On 26th June 150 enthusiastic Wyvern students gathered in the sports hall for an exhilarating Laser Tag Rewards Day. This special event was organised to celebrate their outstanding achievements in earning the highest number of praise points in their year group, while maintaining a perfect record with no behaviour points.

Each student enjoyed an hour of action-packed laser tag, battling in teams through a variety of exciting game formats. The sports hall was filled with energy and excitement as students showcased their teamwork and strategic skills.

Congratulations to all the students who participated! Your hard work and positive behaviour have truly paid off. We hope you had a fantastic time and look forward to more reward events in the future.

Celebrating Our Students' Achievement: Duke of Edinburgh Award Expedition

We are thrilled to share the exciting news of our students' recent Duke of Edinburgh Award expedition in the beautiful New Forest. This challenging and rewarding journey was a significant milestone for our young adventurers, and we couldn't be more proud of their achievements.

An Adventurous Journey

Over the course of two days, our students embarked on a trek covering approximately 18 kilometres each day. Despite occasional showers, they remained undeterred, demonstrating resilience and a positive attitude. Equipped and well-prepared for the weather, our students exemplified the spirit of the Duke of Edinburgh Award.

Camping at Harry's Island

One of the highlights of the expedition was camping at the picturesque Harry's Island. Here, the students displayed teamwork and culinary skills, cooking a warm dinner that was enjoyed by all. The evening was filled with excitement as they spotted bats fluttering overhead and observed the wild ponies and donkeys that roam the New Forest.

Growth and Learning

Throughout the expedition, we witnessed remarkable growth in the students' confidence and abilities. Their map navigation skills improved significantly, and they worked collaboratively to overcome challenges. It was inspiring to see them apply their training in a real-world setting and support each other along the way.

Building Lifelong Skills

The Duke of Edinburgh Award expedition is more than just a physical challenge; it is an opportunity for personal development. Our students returned with not only a sense of accomplishment but also enhanced leadership, problem-solving, and teamwork skills. These experiences are invaluable and contribute to their growth as well-rounded individuals.

Aims of the Expedition

Some very interesting themes were chosen for the aims of the expedition, from monitoring their mental health and moods along the way, to finding the A to Z of the New Forest. We look forward to seeing their completed aims in the next term.

We extend our heartfelt congratulations to all the students who participated in this expedition. Their dedication, perseverance, and positive attitude made this journey a resounding success. We also thank the parents for their unwavering support and encouragement, which played a crucial role in preparing our students for this adventure.

We look forward to more such expeditions in the future as the current year 8s have been writing their applications to the team, we shall send out further details in September when the course will be up and running for them.

Lighting the Way

The Lighthouse that college students worked on in the Year 7 and 8 Art club has finally been placed on the 'Light the Way' trail in Southampton. Many more of the lighthouses, large and small, have been dotted around Southampton city centre and the Isle of Wight this summer for families to find.

Our lighthouse 'Looking out for our oceans' has been placed in the window of Howden Insurance (next door to HMV on the High Street). 

 If you want a lighthouse trial map and to find out more about the event, click here.


Find out more about our many wonderful trips, visits and community engagements this term.


Children of all ages on the Wyvern Campus have been visiting Sunnybanks Care Home to spend time with and entertain the residents.

Our Childcare Unit takes our pre-school children over once a fortnight during term time for story time, which usually includes some lovely bubbles.

Meanwhile, our college musicians often visit to play for the residents- most recently in July.

These visits, along with the History Club coffee mornings, provide a wonderful way of bringing generations together.


Year 7 Trip to France 

Our Year 7 students had a brilliant time in France visiting sites and practising their language. During the 3 days in Normandy, we visited the towns of Dieppe and Rouen including the cathedral, Joan of Arc, large clock and market square.

Students took some stunning photos at Monet’s house and garden in Giverny and enjoyed recreating some of Monet’s famous paintings. We also had a picnic in the grounds of Chateau Gaillard and went to Nausicaa, a fantastic aquarium in Boulogne.

The group enjoyed a delicious French breakfast in the hotel and a traditional 3-course meal in the evening. The trip was packed with activities and the group were super representatives of Wyvern, joining in everything politely and with enthusiasm. Merci à tous!

Year 7 Trip to Germany

In early July we had the pleasure of taking a group of 40 Year 7 students to Germany. After a very early start and an extremely long journey, we finally arrived at the Youth Hostel in Cologne, where we settled in for our three day stay before going on a long walk along the banks of the Rhein.

The following day, we had a packed day in Cologne. First of all we went on a cable car over the river before walking into the centre of the city, where we climbed to the top of the Cathedral tower (over 500 steps), but well worth it for the magnificent views over the city. Students then had some free time in the city to shop and then we made our way to an ice cream parlour, where students had to use their German to buy an ice cream. Finally, we visited the Lindt chocolate factory where students got lots of free chocolates and there was even a chocolate fountain!

On the final day we packed and set off for home, stopping en route in the beautiful small town of Monschau. Here students visited a glass factory, watching demonstrations of glass blowing. Two students even had the opportunity to blow their own piece of glass, which they were able to keep. Students then had some free time in the town, where they could do their final shop for gifts and souvenirs and buy their lunch.

All in all it was a packed, but thoroughly enjoyable three days and we hope that this trip will encourage students to visit Germany again in the future – maybe for a slightly longer visit next time!

Hampshire Book Awards

Each year, Year 9 students in the college take part in the voting for the winner of the Hampshire Book Awards. This year's competition saw a group of dedicated readers consider 6 books for young adults. On voting day they travelled to Park Community School in Havant to meet with other schools and engage in lively debate about which book should come out on top. There are three meetings like this throughout the county and votes are cast halfway through the event and swiftly collated to get a result.

After some fun quizzes it is time for a mass drum roll and then the winner is announced. This year it was Electric Life by Rachel Delahaye.

Our students were commended for their polite but passionate contribution to the winner's debate.

If you would like to see the shortlisted novels - click here.

Battlefields Trip

80 Year 9 and Year 10 students visited the Battlefields of Normandy last week to learn about the events of D-Day. Coming just after the 80th anniversary of the invasion of Normandy by Allied forces in June 1944, this was a particularly poignant time to visit.

Students visited locations such as the American Airborne Museum in Sainte-Mère-Église, the sites of British beach landings at Gold beach and German, American and British cemeteries for those who lost their lives in the Battle of Normandy. This culminated in a ceremony of remembrance and a wreath laying at Ranville Military Cemetery.

Students were an absolute credit to Wyvern and their behaviour was exemplary. They were interested, enthusiastic and engaged in the history but also cheered very loudly when England defeated the Netherlands in the Euros Semi-Final (let’s gloss over Sunday’s result).

Well done, Historians!

Trips to Magical Worlds

Our Year 10 Art and Photography students, as well as a handful of Year 9 artists enjoyed an exciting day out to Harry Potter studios in Watford. The students took part in a class in which they were taught the process of set design from an industry expert. This included looking at concept art and technical drawings to model making, props and lighting.

Having been given this insight into the film industry the students then made their way through the tour. They were able to see the behind the scenes sets, special effects and visual effects. This amazing insight provided the students with a valuable understanding of the vast array of jobs needed in the film industry as well as providing inspiration to their future projects.

Meanwhile our Year 9 Performing Arts Elective Students went to see Wicked the musical at the Mayflower Theatre on Thursday before the half term. It was a brilliant show, and students expressed how much they enjoyed all aspects including singing, music, dance, stage, costume and acting. The stage came to life with the characters, and the theatre was filled with the incredible sound of the band and superb singing from the characters. These Year 9 students are completing their Arts Award and this forms the ‘be the audience’ element of the award. They have since written a review of the show and recorded interviews with each other reflecting on the performance


As ever, this term we had lots of clubs, events and presentations to enrich the curriculum for all our students.

Mock Interview Day

At the end of April, Year 10 experienced being interviewed by employers from the local area. We had a great turnout of 32 of employers, who all took their seats at 9.30am to interview over 260 students until 12.30 before taking a well-deserved lunch. The students were all ready for their questions which they had prepared during tutor time over the last few weeks. Many students came in their in their suits or similar smart attire. It was incredible to see.

Well done Year 10 and a big THANK YOU  to all the employers, Teachers, Learning Support, Administration, Reception, Site and Leisure Centre Team who supported the event; and very big congratulations to Julie Gough, our Careers Officer, who brought the event together.


Staff Kick Off New House System

During the last INSET day of the year, our staff were introduced to our new house system in which all students and staff will participate. We have five houses and each is associated with colour. As part of the launch the staff were invite to come in dressed in their house colours, with an opportunity to earn points through a darts competition. They also competed in a three-legged race at Sports Day to garner more.

Into Space

Our Year 10 triple science students were treated to a space masterclass by Robin Mobbs from the National Space Academy. They literally took part in
rocket science! A few lucky students got to experience wearing a spacesuit.

Gardening Club

In our summer term the Gardening Club meet every Thursday and work in the Student Garden - tending to a wonderful array of flowers and vegetables. They also tend the planters at the front of our college quad.

They had a particularly wonderful strawberry crop this year.

At their last meeting of the term they had a celebration tea party in the library after another blooming lovely year!


County Athletics

In May we had six Year 9 and 10 students took part in the district athletic trials at Southampton Athletics track with the aim of qualifying to represent the Eastleigh and Winchester district athletics team at the county event.

·         Una in Year 10 - Won the 100m with a time of 12.84 seconds and 200m with a time of 26.59 seconds - selected for the district

·         Riley in Year 10 - Won the 200m with a time of 24.37 seconds - selected for the district

·         Seth in Year 10 - Finished 2nd in the 200m with a time of 24.89 seconds - selected for the district

·         Jacob in Year 10 - Won the 800m with a time of 2 minutes 12 seconds - selected for the district

·         Violet in Year 9 - Finished 4th in 100m in her heat with a time of 14.36 seconds

·         George in Year 10 - Finished 4th in high jump achieving a height of 1.55m

In July, we had seven students were participated in the Year 7 and 8 County Athletics Championship and representing Eastleigh and Winchester district - Maya, Flo, Erwann, Jack, Jasper and Emil.

All students performed well and for those students it is a fantastic achievement to represent the district at these championships. The Eastleigh and Winchester district is very competitive and therefore, it is brilliant to see several students from Wyvern competing. Notable mentions: Emil placed 2nd in the U14 boys Javelin and Maya placed 3rd in the U14 Girls 200m. Well done to Emil and Maya!

National Hockey

Another impressive sporting achievement for Oscar in Year 9, who has played in two England Hockey national finals at Nottingham Hockey Centre for the two leagues he played in for the under 14’s Trojans team. They’ve finished 4th in the Tier 1 and 5th in the Supra – meaning that for his age group Oscar has played for one of the top teams in England.

Football - Year 7 District Cup Champions


The college kept up its great record for football success with the Year 7 boys achieving a 3-0 win over John Hanson on the Thursday before Easter.

Congratulations to Freddie, Tom, Lucas, Jack, Lincoln, Alex, Harry, Finley, Theo, Harry, Adam, Charlie and Harrison.

Great win for the team and hopefully their success continues next year and beyond.


School of Rock

Year 9 performing arts students led a workshop with Fair Oak Year 5 pupils on Friday. The students demonstrated excellent leadership skills and have progressed so much in confidence, team work and creativity over the last year. The workshop was led by the students and involved ice-breaker tasks, practical warm-ups in drama, singing and movement. 
Wyvern students introduced the musical ‘School of Rock’ and explained the song and scene that they were going to work on in the session. Fair Oak pupils were really responsive and so keen to take part in all the activities which was brilliant.
Our students were fantastic in leading the activities, demonstrations, modelling, as well and choreographing and directing. At the end of the 2-hour session Wyvern students led the year 5’s in their performance of a scene from School of Rock followed by the song ‘You’re in the Band’, fully choreographed by our students. These student were excellent ambassadors for the school.

World Music Day

Friday 21st June was World Music Day and to mark this, Wyvern music department launched ‘Wyvern Live Lounge’ in the main hall stage during break 2. Members of Rock club performed songs they have been working on during their lunch break. Songs included: All Day and All of the Night, Come as, Your Are, and Breaking the Law. The music brought in more and more students during break who were clapping and singing and along. It was brilliant to see our musicians performing to the school with confidence, and bringing our Wyvern students together to enjoy music.

Wyvern Variety Show

The Variety Show took place at Wyvern on 6th June and was a spectacular display of talent from our wonderful students. We saw students from years 7-10 performing as singers, dancers, actors, musicians, as well as combined acts and ensembles.

The evening began with two pieces from concert band 'The Greatest Show', followed by 'Encanto' which was expertly conducted by our year 11 Music Prefect Theo Williams. Ollie, year 7, entertained the audience with some original jokes. We heard a vocal solo from Kieran, year 7, as well as a drama performance from year 9 students, a brass ensemble commemorating D-Day, Wyvern choir and a lively dance duet. Pianists Elle and Rebekah performed an intense piano ‘battle’ displaying their sophisticated playing skills. Act 1 ended with a powerful performance of One Day More from Les Miserables.

 Act 2 began with a clever performance from Emily in year 8 who demonstrated her Rubik's cube skills. We heard Wyvern choir perform “Fix You”, as well as a year 7/8 dance ensemble ‘Wings’. Year 8 quartet performed the song “Deeds Not” Words from the stage show ‘Fantastically Great Women who Ruled the World’ which was expertly choreographed.

Trumpet duo Tom and Arran performed 2 pieces alongside a comedy drama act featuring year 10 students Lennon and Jack. Year 7 and 8 singers performed “When I Grow Up from Matilda”, and the evening finished with the Wyvern Staff band debut, and bringing our performers together for the finale ‘Don’t Stop Believing.’ Well done to all our students involved and we look forward to seeing you again at the Summer concerts in July.

Musical Support for Young Carers

Wyvern Groove band and Big Band students performed at the Young Carers Festival at Fairthorne Manor and they were OUTSTANDING- they arrived at the festival dressed smartly in black on a hot day and performed a fantastic set for the Young Carers at the festival.

As well as our Wyvern musicians, years 9-11, we had some ex-students join us for the performance, and we had 14 students on stage performing an hour set to over 1000 young people. It was wonderful to see the young people enjoying and engaging with the live music.

Comedy Workshop

A group of Year 8 pupils took part in a Writing workshop with a professional writer and broadcaster, Dave Smith. The pupils enjoyed hearing about Dave’s life and writing career, from jobbing stand-up touring the clubs of the UK with the likes of Michael McIntyre and Sean Lock, to writing travel blogs and radio broadcasts.  Dave explained his writing process, and then challenged the pupils to write for a Radio Solent broadcast – ‘The Best things…’.  Pupils worked through the thinking and planning processes, and then generated their own comedic and observational texts, sharing them aloud with each other at the end of the day in an ‘open-mike’ session.  Topics covered dads, football, being alone in the house on your own, mum’s and dinner time, and pets, to name a few!

Summer Concert

We closed the year with the Summer Concert where the evening started with refreshments and music in the school quad creating a relaxed, festival atmosphere.

The audiences enjoyed had performances from soloists, Year 9 GCSE Performance Ensemble, the Chamber Choir, Wyvern Community Choir the String Ensemble, the Senior Singing Ensemble, Wyvern Student Choir, Rock Club, Year 7 and 8 Singing Ensemble, Flute Duet & Assemble, Big Band, Groove Band, Year 11 Singers and Sax  and the Concert Band. An amazing array of music genres and talent.


It was a fitting way to bring the curtain down on what has been an amazing term of performing arts at the College. Huge congratulations to all the students and staff that took part.

PROM 2024

This year's prom took place at the Botley grange Hotel.

Click on the image (right) for some of the photos of this wonderful event, so looked forward to by the Year 11 students after they have finished their exams.


It has been a really busy term for the Friends of Wyvern. 


Friends of Wyvern: Strengthening Our Community Together

At Wyvern College, we believe in the power of community. This summer, we’re excited to update you on Friends of Wyvern, our dynamic and inclusive charity that goes beyond a typical PTA. Our membership is broad, welcoming current students, alumni, parents, staff, local businesses, and anyone passionate about enhancing the experiences and opportunities for all Wyvern students.

Our Mission

Friends of Wyvern aims to bring together a diverse group of supporters to enhance the experience, enjoyment, achievement, and opportunities for all Wyvern College students.

 By fostering a sense of community, we can achieve remarkable things.

Current Fundraising Projects

Our ongoing projects are designed to directly benefit the students and enrich their educational environment:

Seating and Canopies Project: We aim to install canopies and additional seating around the school grounds. This will allow students to enjoy their breaktimes outside, even on rainy days, and provide shaded areas during the summer.

Class Sets of Laptops Project: We're working to provide more high-quality IT equipment for classroom use, ensuring students have access to the technology they need to succeed.

Food Technology Equipment Project: To support one of our most popular courses, we're raising funds to purchase new saucepans, food processors, and hand mixers.

Summer Term Achievements

We've had a busy and successful summer term. Here are some highlights:

Generous Donation for AV Equipment: Inspired by our students' performance in Shrek, a Wyvern parent donated £3,000. With this, we purchased a new Behringer sound mixing desk and radio microphones, which will enhance future performances. A heartfelt thank you to our generous donor.

Second-Hand Uniform Hub

We launched our Second-Hand Uniform Hub, providing free uniforms and equipment to families. You can visit the hub on specified dates, with all items available for free or a donation if you wish. Come to college reception 8:30am - 4:00pm and ring the door bell on the following dates: 30th July & 2nd August- for those in receipt of benefits or whose children have free school meals only. 6th, 9th, 13th, 16th, 20th, 23rd, 27th, 30th August- everyone welcome. A sincere thank you to everyone who donated items. If you have any items you wish to donate, please feel free to drop them off at our hub on the above dates, or into reception at college next term.


Friends of Wyvern is now registered with easyfundraising, allowing you to raise donations for us every time you shop online at no extra cost. Sign up here:

Fundraising Marathon Challenge

Matt Charters, a Wyvern parent and Wyvern FC Chair/Coach, ran 7 marathons in 7 days to raise funds for our seating and canopies project. He has raised £625 so far. Support him here:

Friday Treats Initiative

Every Friday, students can buy treats during breaktime and collect them at the end of the day. This initiative has been a hit, sending students into the weekend with a smile.

Business Sponsorship Launch

Businesses can now support our students while promoting themselves within our community. Sponsorship options range from £50 to £400.

For details download our sponsorship pack here

Summer Concert

Friends of Wyvern ran a bar at the spectacular Wyvern Summer Concert, where attendees enjoyed a pre-show Pimm’s and ice-cream.

Primary Sponsor Announcement

A big thank you to Lemon Cleaning Hampshire, our first primary sponsor.

Learn more about them on our sponsors page:

Stay Connected

For the latest updates and ways to get involved, follow us on Facebook: and sign up for email updates on our website:

Ways to Support Us

Make a Donation: One-off or regular monthly donations help us continue our work. Set up your donation here:

easyfundraising: Shop online and raise free donations for us:


Catching Up with Karl Standley- Head Groundsman, Wembley Stadium

You may remember that we featured Karl in our first issue. We caught up with him for a Q&A session:

What advice would you give your younger self now?

My advice would be simply “nothing”. Why? I took the chances when I had the opportunity and I followed a path that I believed in. So to be here today with my role at Wembley, my family and everything that makes me happy is all I need. I don’t regret anything and if I did give advice, would it have changed the path. Enjoy life, smile, never say never and just be you.

What initially  drew you to your chosen field and how did your education impact that decision?

Meeting the career advisor was the start of knowing what a grounds person was. Following a passion that I could make into a career was also key for me at a young age. All very important as you need to enjoy what you do in life. Happiness is key.

How did the skills you learned during your studies contribute to your professional life?

I wasn’t very academic at school. I struggled and even had a private tutor after school to help me. But that shouldn’t stop anyone thinking they can’t achieve a dream job one day. I use this to now train my own youngsters within my grounds team. As everyone is different and I put myself in their shoes a lot of the time. I might not have come away with big grades, but what I learnt were “people skills” which are so key in today’s working sector and society.

What unexpected turns did your career path take and how did you adapt?

Moving to London at 19 years old. Going from Southampton to then the hussle and bustle of 9million people in London. It was a huge step for myself but also my family. This wasn’t university, it was work which is very different. But you have to be agile or you will become fragile. Adapting to new scenarios is key in life and accepting them. But being anxious around this sort of situation is normal and something I’ve learnt to adapt to over my life.

Reflecting on your career, what is one thing you would have done differently?

Very much going back to the previous question of advice. I simply wouldn’t. Everything I’ve done in my career has been special. Bad times to good times, it’s all been part of the journey. I look back at it now and accept every decision I’ve made because it’s all helped me grow. Weirdly enjoyed the bad decisions I’ve made as they have allowed me to grow. Everything happens for a reason. My career has taken me to the most iconic stadium in the world “Wembley” , FIFA World Cups, UEFA European Championships, NFL Super Bowls and I have met the most inspiring people in the world.

What tips can you offer for managing work life balance as one starts their Career?

Don't say Yes too quick. Always give yourself a gap to breath and think. The balance is different to everyone and it’s knowing what that balance is. Because we are all not the same and life is very different. But the best thing to do is talk about it. Because we all feel pressure, we all feel stress and at times just having that conversation helps you know what your balance is.

What advice do you have for current students to embrace and make the most of their time fully?

Get Experience!!!!! That’s so key in looking to go into further education or work. When I interview, I’m looking at so many factors, but one is experience. Send a letter, email, use social media, all routes into the right people who you can learn from and gain the knowledge and experience you need to ensure you have that extra 1% we look at during interviews.