Wyvern Craft Club

Our new craft club has grown to 20 members in just a few weeks. Here is what our students are saying about their after-school activities:

"I joined the first craft club and really enjoyed it and when I heard there was another one going on , I wanted to join instantly. I have enjoyed this craft club these last two weeks. We are currently doing a picture frame in the club and it has been better than the last one." Chloe  

"It's the first time I joined a club in wyvern college, and I am loving it pretty far! It's so arty and crafty , it has only been 2 weeks but its so amazing and I am looking forward to more!" Alma

"We had snacks and took some photos. We have started to make pictures and we had different pictures to colour like a dog, a cat and more. We are going to make Scooby Doo's and more" Anthia 

"I enjoy all of the activities and drawings that we can do at art club. I am loving it so far it has made me really happy and I was excited when I heard about this club and joined instantly" Oliver.

"I loved this club because I love coming and drawing pictures with my friends and having a good laugh and it is very fun to come to after school"

"I love this club, it is so fun and we can express our creativity." Sienna and Kamma

"I joined this club and it is really fun, we do lots of different activities but all very enjoyable." Orla.